Park gates to remain locked at night
A welcome change of heart from Enfield council. They had been proposing to leave all park gates unlocked at night, except those which motor vehicles could get through. However, following consultation and an intensive campaign in which the Friends of Grovelands (and Mick McDonagh in particular) were very prominent, the council has decided that gates for all parks which are currently completely locked at nights will remain completely locked at nights. This includes Grovelands and Broomfield Parks. Some parks are currently only partially locked at night; these will in future be left completely unlocked at night.
The responsible Cabinet member is now Daniel Anderson, councillor for Southgate Green ward. We can only speculate as to whether the policy would have been revised in this way if Coucnillor Bond had still been in charge, but it bodes well for Councillor's Anderson prospective tenure.
Hobart House: proposed extra floor rejected?
Hobart House if the office block on the site of the former vinema in Southgate. This is in the process of being converted into flats, which does not require planning permission, thanks to a temporary relaxation of planning rules by the government. However, a proposal was submitted in January 2015 to add an extra floor. Documents on the council website suggest that the application has been ruled invalid because no contribution to affordable housing is included but the diocuments also make it clear that even if it had been valid the proposal would have been rejected on planning grounds. Of course, that may not be the end of the matter.
Southgate Ward forum on 16th June
Tuesday 16th June at 7.30pm at The Bourne Methodist Church. The Southgate ward councillors should be present. There will be an update on the Grovelands school proposal and the Historic Parks Survey - for all I know this may simply tell us that there is no further news, but let's see.