GRA Committee Members
Our Constitution
The Aims of the Organisation shall be to
promote the common interests of residents in the area surrounding Grovelands Park, particularly on the Southgate side of the park.
provide a forum for members to exchange information and experiences.
draw attention to developments which may affect the quality of life in the area.
represent the interests of members to local, regional and national authorities and other organisations.
to monitor and comment on major issues affecting the quality of life of Grovelands Residents (i.e. areas close to the park), including planning, traffic management, licensing, cultural activities, community safety and policing.
Mode of Working will be
to collect and provide information to residents through an occasional newsletter and /or web site and any other helpful means
to publicise achievements and problems of residents throughout the locality and the media
to garner information and support by working in close contact with other associations and organisations with complementary interests.
Membership shall be open to all residents in the area of Grovelands Park on the Southgate side of the park, and to others with an interest in this area.
Honorary Officers
Members shall elect such officers as it may from time to time determine, but always including Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
Policy and general management Committee – 'The Committee'
The association will form a Policy and General Management Committee “The Committee” to direct the affairs of the association. This will include at least the four honorary officers of the association and two other members. Additional committee members (up to three) can be co-opted onto the committee as required.
The Chairman and committee shall hold office for one year from the 1st of July following the election. All members shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. Elections may be held at the AGM or by email/postal ballot.
Every year in June the Committee shall present to members an Annual Report of the Committee, the annual audited Statement of Accounts, and the appointment of an Auditor.
Other Committees
The Committee shall have the power to appoint such sub committees as it shall from time to time determine.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the following June with at least 21 days' notice given to all members by the secretary. The election of the committee shall take place at the AG meeting. Nominations must be submitted at least five days before the Annual General Meeting. Individuals nominated must have agreed to stand.