It has been a difficult week for all of us but particularly for those who witnessed the appalling attack last Sunday. It almost beggars belief that someone could be stabbed to death on a Sunday afternoon just by a park entrance that families would be using. It appears that neither victim nor the man in custody are local and the location seems to have been pretty random, with nothing to do with our neighbourhood as such. There is no reason for us to think we are any less safe than we did a week ago but it may take some time for us to feel that way. Presumably we will learn more about the background as and when it comes to trial.
GRA matters seem comparatively unimportant right now but I would like to thank everyone who came to our Social Event last Saturday. I hope everyone enjoyed it; I certainly enjoyed meeting new people and helping demolish the sandwiches and cake (no need to cook that evening).
We were already in the process of organising a GRA meeting, which will take place on Monday 25th March at 7.30pm at the church. One issue that we would like to discuss is what you would like GRA to be doing (other than free cake every week). I also intend to invite the local police to the meeting, though other priorities can always take them elsewhere on the night.
Finally, it was striking how the WhatsApp group was used last Sunday to keep people informed about what was going on. I hope it never has to be used in quite the same way again but it can bring us together and of course it can spread good news as well as bad. If you are not on it but would like to be, it is easy to join. Just email with name, address and mobile phone number and we can add you.
Michael Clary
Grovelands Residents' Association